Met de test voor hs-CRP ontdekken we chronische ook wel “stille” of “laaggradige ontsteking”

Why measuring your CRP is a valuable addition to your thermography exam.

With the test for hs-CRP we detect chronic also called "silent" or "low grade inflammation"

Deze test is als een detective een super aanvulling bij je thermografische onderzoek.

With CRP blood values Just like thermography, it is possible to find indications of inflammation. Thermography does this by looking for warm spots, the CRP test does this by looking in the blood for proteins that betray an inflammation. We were already able to measure CRP, but now we can also measure the extra low values of hs-CRP: "high sensitive".

What is CRP?
C-reactive protein, usually abbreviated to CRP, is a so-called acute-phase protein. CRP is produced by the liver and released into the bloodstream. After the onset of inflammation, the amount of CRP in the body increases within a few hours.
This makes CRP valuable for determining the presence of inflammation or for monitoring the effect of medical treatment on inflammation. The increase in CRP is often seen before any clinical signs of inflammation are observed by the patient. CRP is not specific enough to show the cause of inflammation, but it is a signaling molecule that indicates additional medical testing is needed.


Elevated hs-CRP indicates low-grade inflammatory responses

Low grade inflammation is mild inflammation, and then without the classic symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat and pain.
The resulting elevated hs-CRP blood levels do not indicate the location or cause, but an excessive value is a reason for further investigation.

Without intervention you will keep an overactive immune system with all its consequences. Low grade inflammation can form free radicals and free radicals increase inflammatory activity.

Did you know that?
In most cases of disease the cause is low-grade inflammation!

But what then is the cause of low grade inflammation?

For example, it can start with the wrong diet or toxins on your skin. The intestines and the skin are barriers. They become irritated and allow the wrong substances to pass through. Especially by our western lifestyle, chronic stress, radiation and toxins.
Richard de Leth has put it beautifully on his site.

When would you have the hs-CRP measured?

For vague complaints such as:

  • Unexplained fatigue.
  • Mood swings.
  • Difficulty losing weight due to e.g. a chronically inflamed pancreas and high stress markers.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Welfare diseases such as MS, Crohn's, Colitis Ulcerosa, diabetes type 1 and 2, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, hay fever, asthma, COPD, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, stroke and heart failure.

High-sensitive (hs) CRP is for everyone to predict whether there is an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disorders (CVD).

The CRP value may also be elevated by:

  • Periodontitis (gum inflammation).
  • Sinus problems (chronic cold) and/or narrowing in the carotid arterieswhich we also did with thermography to get a good look.
  • The development of Arterial calcification (atherosclerosis) begins with an inflammation of the blood vessel wall, after which damage occurs. At this point, a signal also goes to the liver to produce more cholesterol, this to quickly put a band-aid in the vessel wall.

What is CRP?
C-reactive protein, usually abbreviated to CRP, is a so-called acute-phase protein. CRP is produced by the liver and released into the bloodstream. After the onset of inflammation, the amount of CRP in the body increases within a few hours.
This makes CRP valuable for determining the presence of inflammation or for monitoring the effect of medical treatment on inflammation. The increase in CRP is often seen before any clinical signs of inflammation are observed by the patient. CRP is not specific enough to show the cause of inflammation, but it is a signaling molecule that indicates additional medical testing is needed.


Combine the hs-CRP test with other

An increased CRP value is reason for further investigation!
But beware, if no abnormal values are found you can never assume that you are completely healthy.

A nice combination is the hs-CRP supplemented with:

Did you know that?
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in women?
More women than men die of cardiovascular disease; in women, cardiovascular disease mortality is 1.5 times higher than cancer mortality.
See also:
Women and cardiovascular disease

Inflammation plays the biggest factor in the development of diseases of affluence.

If the CRP value in the blood is elevated, it may indicate inflammation. If your body has more pyromancers than firefighters (Cholesterol), there is always mild inflammation.

What does the outcome mean in this regard?

The following numbers are indicative:

  • hs-CRP less than < 1 mg/l: No increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Between 1-3 mg/l: moderately increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • More than > 3.0 mg/l: High risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Two tests in one: hs-CRP and hemoglobin


Hemoglobin (Hb) is the red pigment in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is needed to transport oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues. A low Hb level can lead to symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, headaches and rapid heartbeat. If the hemoglobin level is too low for a long time then your resistance decreases and you are more susceptible to colds and other infections.
An increased Hb value is also possible.

How does the test work?

The test requires a few drops of blood from a simple finger prick.

These drops go into a test tube and into the machine after which the result is known after about two minutes.

Thermography Amsterdam


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