Yes from Veenendaal

Yes from Veenendaal
Testimonials Thermography Amsterdam
June 12, 2019
Testimonials Thermography Amsterdam

It is pleasant To clarify the situation around my breasts and lymph nodes in view, so that deviations are known in good time.
What is also nice is the instruction about the self-examination Of breasts, how best to do that now.
In recent years I have had advice to bring my overall muscle tension down a bit and reduce cramps in my calves.
For that, I started taking magnesium.
With great results!
No more cramps in my calves, and from the thermography, the reduction in muscle tension has gradually come into focus.
I did an AGE test a few years ago and it showed that eating toasted bread frequently is not a good idea, I stopped doing that.
So Birgitte has versatile qualities, very nice that holistic view.
I am going to have an ultrasound soon as a replacement for the painful mammogram.
That together with the thermography gives me certainty about the status quo of my breast tissue.

Thermography Amsterdam


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