What is Medical Thermography?

What is medical thermography?

Medical Thermography is a method that uses an infrared camera to take pictures of the body, without touch and without radiation. The infrared camera makes the body's heat patterns visible in colour in a completely safe and painless way, to one hundredth of a degree. From these heat patterns doctors can derive physiological changes in the body.

Thermography can be used if, among other things, you already have;

  • If you have a diagnosis, then thermography can provide additional information;
  • Finding unknown causes of pain, for example, so that further investigation can be carried out;
  • To detect early developing diseases before they cause symptoms;
  • To monitor the healing process.

Blood flow in the skin is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.
In healthy people the symmetrical skin tempertatures are stable and reproducible.
We bring this into focus by means of medical thermography with a temperature sensitivity of 0.1 ℃.

Chest thermography

For example, breast thermography is concerned with the physiological changes associated with breast pathology.

The specially trained physicians (thermologists) of the American College of Clinical Thermography (ACCT) use special software to read and interpret these digital images and have years of experience.
These doctors put their findings in a report, which you will receive from me by email approximately one week after the appointment.
This report contains a thermographic interpretation and a risk classification (including a Dutch translation), but no diagnosis.
See also the following blog post:

Knowledge gives choices, be well informed about thermography

Birgitte Brouwer

Thermography Amsterdam is the only provider of thermography in the Netherlands that uses a patented method developed especially for this purpose. thermal camera, not just for pretty pictures.
Much more important "optimally reproducible photos" in time!

Breast thermography is suitable for all women of all ages.

Ideally, you should start monitoring your breast health around age 25.
One of the reasons we only receive a call for mammography at the age of 50 is because the breast tissue before that is still very dense (contains a lot of glandular tissue) and therefore does not provide clear images.
With thermography, it is possible to observe changes at an early stage. Your own doctor or specialist can, if desired, discuss further steps with you based on this information.

Or even better, you start working proactively! As an oromolecular therapist, I am happy to help you with this.

The ACCT is the oldest and fastest growing international network of thermographers and thermologists.
For detailed information you can also take a look at the website and the ACCT blog.

Medical Thermography at Thermography Amsterdam is:

  • Non-invasive (incriminating). No physical contact by man or device takes place.
  • It's safe. There is no radiation involved. A 'heat photo' of your body is taken.
  • Very precise. Specially developed medical equipment is used for this purpose.
  • Professional. The thermographer (me in this case, who takes the thermographic photos) has undergone thorough training and is certified as a Clinical Thermographer Level II.
  • The thermologists who interpret the recordings are medical doctors certified by the American College of Clinical Thermology.
  • Suitable for women (and men) of any age.
  • Empathic. You come first with me as a human being.
  • Easy to reach. We have parking in front of the door and public transport stops at the corner!

See the frequently asked questions

Why Medical Thermography?

Medical thermography has proven to be a safe, early-risk marker of breast abnormalities.
It is also an excellent method for monitoring the progress and treatment of breast disease.
Reasons why medical thermography is appealing to more and more women are;

  • No harmful radiation
  • Great accuracy
  • Early detection
  • Reliability
  • Exclusions interpreted by doctors/thermologists *only at Thermography-Amsterdam!
  • Painless - no pressure, no contact
  • Suitable for everyone
  • Monitoring during/after treatments

Medical Thermography offers women of any age the opportunity for early detection of the subtle physiological changes associated with breast pathology.
Medical thermography is also suitable for women with small breasts, breast implants or with mastectomies.
High-risk patients can be closely monitored so that any treatment can be carried out sooner.
Medical Thermography allows you to take matters into your own hands: no referral is required for this safe and accurate method.

For whom?

Examination by medical thermography is suitable for:

  • Men and women of all ages.
  • Anyone who values prevention.
  • All breasts (large, small, amputated or with implants)
  • Anyone who does not want to expose themselves unnecessarily to harmful radiation
  • Who wants monitoring during and after a treatment.

How does thermography work?

After making your first appointment you will receive a confirmation by email followed by an intake form a few days before the appointment.

During the appointment your medical history and possible complaints will be briefly discussed with you.

Then we will take pictures. Depending on the type of appointment this will take about five to fifteen minutes.

Taking breast photos is similar to taking a passport photo, but of your breasts 😉 .

You feel nothing of this and there is also no radiation.

Interpretation and reporting by doctors

Our scans are assessed and reported by doctors who have completed an additional course in medical thermology in addition to their medical training.

These doctors belong to the international network of the "American College of Clinical Thermology"
The scans we make are uploaded to the European servers of the interpretation service and then interpreted by the ACCT's thermologists.

After about a week you will receive a report from the doctor via email including a Dutch translation.

Should the thermal patterns not have remained completely stable, the advice is always to have an additional examination. This can be e.g. an ultrasound. In addition, I will then suggest an additional thermographic examination in the timeline suggested by the doctor in the report.

Would you like to discuss the report further? Then use the link in the report's email to schedule a phone appointment.

Breast Thermography: Second visit for a baseline

  • To create a baseline three months after the first thermogram made a second appointment.
  • After which, after about a week, you will receive the second report from the doctor.
  • Again, we will contact you personally first if necessary.

What does thermography cost?

Although I work with the most expensive thermography camera and the associated doctors' network of the ACCT, I have made it my personal mission to keep thermography as inexpensive as possible.

View the price list

Thermography is no substitute of other examinations such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI or self-examination but in addition. The result of a thermographic report is therefore not a diagnosis but a risk analysis.

Thermography Amsterdam


I am sometimes difficult to reach because of the workload.
If you would like to be called back, you can.
Leave your number and a short description here.
I aim to call back within three working days.

© 2022 Thermography Amsterdam