- Level II Clinical Thermographer
- Orthomolecular therapist according to the clinical psycho-neuroimmunology (kPNI)
- Hormone specialist.
<strong>The location is very nice</strong>.
<strong>Easy to reach</strong> in terms of <strong>ov</strong> and warm welcome.
The examination was also very pleasant. I get the feeling <strong>serious</strong> Taken.
In addition to research, you will also receive additional tips, in the areas of nutrition and supplementation.
Very <strong>pleasant</strong> and <strong>painless</strong>.
Sufficient <strong>time</strong> to ask questions.
Definitely do.
A real <strong>recommendation</strong>.
It's a <strong>great place</strong>.
Close to the highway and excellent <strong>parking facilities.</strong>
In addition to the thermography, I was able to opt for a number of additional tests.
Very nice to have a <strong>overall picture</strong> to get.
Tip. Make the reception a little more personal.
Thermography is only a reflection of breast physiology and as such is not a substitute for mammography.
Annual clinical examination of the breasts and periodic evaluation by other objective tests is recommended for comprehensive screening for breast cancer and to assess the structural component of breast tissue.